You can add new Interviewees by scheduling a new Interview.
As an Interviewer, you can schedule an interview through the mobile app or the NowMax web client

  • On the application: after signing in, click the ‘+‘ button below and select ‘Plan interview’. Select a date and time and click ‘continue’. On the next screen, you can select an existing contact or ‘Add contact’. When adding new Interviewees, you need to enter their First Name, Last Name and E-mail Address. You can also add a Telephone Number and add them to your user account. Press ‘Invite’ to send an automatic e-mail to your Interviewee.
  • On the web client: after signing in, click on ‘+ New Upcoming Interview’. Select a date and time, and add a small description if you like. Below, you can select an existing participant or ‘Add a new contact to this interview’. When adding new Interviewees, you need to enter their First Name, Last Name and E-mail Address. You can also add a Telephone Number and add them to your user account. Click ‘+Add’ and press ‘Submit’ to send an automatic e-mail to your Interviewee.

Your conversation partner will automatically receive an e-mail with links to download, install, and sign in to the NowMax application. You can also share the planned interview through other messaging and e-mail applications.

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